Intellectual Property & Business Attorney

Advocating for entrepreneurs, individuals, and creative communities.

Headquartered in Southeastern NC, this virtual law firm represents clients in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Kentucky as well as any client looking for patent prosecution or intellectual property protections in the United States. Moore Law, PLLC specializes in Patent, Trademark, Business, and Non-Profit matters, from the conception of a new idea to the final product.

Whether you’re a start-up, established business, individual, or artist, we will not only protect what you create, but we’ll also help it thrive in the world. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every case and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns.




Areas of Practice

Intellectual Property: Patent, Trademark, & Copyright


We handle the search, application, prosecution, and filing process of patents, trademarks, and copyrights. If your inventions, work, or brand has been infringed upon, we will negotiate the best possible licensing and settlement agreements.



If you are looking for consultation on the best set up for your business, advice on an established business, or tailored contract drafting to protect your business, contact us!



Whether you are in need of custom contracts, bylaws, a Will, or anything in between, we realize that everyone needs to be protected. We have experience with both corporate and non-profit draftings needs.

“I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving—we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it—but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”

– Oliver Wendell Holmes

Get in Touch

Call or E-mail to set up a virtual or in-person meeting.